Friday, July 16, 2010

Back in Calgary

After we left Vancouver Island, we took about a week to get to Calgary with stops in Vancouver, Oliver and Kookanusa. Dan and Terri graciously offered their house in Calgary while they are spending the summer at their lake house in Kookanusa. This is a picture of the front of their lake home and behind is Lake Kookanusa. We have spent the last few weeks trying to get our personal things organized (doctors' apointments, licence renewals, travel insurance, car repairs, new wills, blah, blah,blah), seeing friends and helping to take care of Darcy's mom. He has work to do for some of our clients and you can tell by the condition of the office, things could be going better. He assures me that everything wll be done by August 3, our Calgary departure date. We hope all of you are having a great summer and just a word of warning to our eastern relatives. We will be spending the months of August and October in Ontario and hope to see all of you then.